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孙青茹,河北省石家庄人,管理学博士,毕业于中国地质大学(北京)管理科学与工程专业,现就职于太阳成集团tyc138,副教授。美国佛罗里达大学访问学者。长期从事经济统计、资源经济、农业经济等领域的研究。目前共计发表国际SSCI/SCI论文和国内期刊论文20余篇,主要发表到经济类和能源类期刊《Energy》《Energy economics》《Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination》《International Review of Financial Analysis》上。先后主持科研项目10项,主研科研项目10余项,主编或参与编写科研专著4部,是国际SSCI期刊《Resources Policy》《International Review of Financial Analysis》《Financial Innovation》和国内期刊《资源与产业》的匿名审稿人。

















社会兼职:国际SSCI期刊Resources Policy》《International Review of Financial Analysis》《Financial Innovation和国内期刊《资源与产业》的匿名审稿人。


















[1]     主持,国际大宗商品价格极端波动对我国价格体系的风险传导及防控研究,教育部人文社科青年项目,在研

[2]     主持,供给侧与需求侧协同碳减排效应测度及河北省实现路径,河北省社科青年项目,在研

[3]     主持,河北省农业科技园区科技社会化服务评价及创新绩效研究,河北省软科学项目,结题

[4]     主持,河北省农业科技园区的“减污-降碳-经济发展”效应评估及提升路径研究,河北省教育厅项目,在研

[5]     主持,京津冀城市群“减污-降碳-经济发展”协同治理能力评价及提升路径研究,河北省统计科学研究项目,在研

[6]     主持,我国粮食产业高质量发展评价及河北省实现路径,河北省社会科研发展研究课题,结题

[7]     主持,产业链视角下大宗商品价格波动对我国粮食安全的影响测度研究,河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才项目,结题

[8]     主持,多源异质数据下京津冀区域粮食安全风险评价研究,河北省统计科学研究项目,结题






[1]     Zenglei Xi, Jinxiu Yu, Qingru Sun(通讯作者), Wenqi Zhao, He Wang, Shuo Zhang. Measuring the multi-scale price transmission effects from crude oil to energy stocks: A cascaded view. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2023, 90: 102891.SSCI,中科院一区Top期刊,影响因子8.2

[2]     Qingru Sun, Ruxia Ma, Zenglei Xi, He Wang, Ce Jiang, Hanyu Chen. Nonlinear impacts of energy consumption and globalization on ecological footprint: Empirical research from BRICS countries. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023, 396: 136488.SCI,中科院一区Top期刊,影响因子11.1

[3]     Qingru Sun, Wenqi Zhao, Zishuo Bai, Sui Guo, Jialin Liang, Zenglei Xi. Multi-scale pattern causality of the price fluctuation in energy stock market. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-024-09279-3.SCI,中科院二区Top期刊,影响因子5.6

[4]     Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Jingjian Si, Xian Xi, Siyao Liu, Huiling Zheng, Wenting Liang. The evolution of the energy import dependence network and its influencing factors: taking countries and regions along the Belt and Road as an example. Journal of Business Economics and Management. 2022, 23(1):105-30.

[5]     Qingru Sun, Haizhong An, Xiangyun Gao, et al. Effects of crude oil shocks on the PPI system based on variance decomposition network analysis[J]. Energy, 2019, 189:116378. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.116378.SCI/SSCI期刊, JCR 1区排名前5%

[6]     Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Haizhong An, et al. Which time-frequency domain dominates spillover in the Chinese energy stock market?[J]. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2020.101641.SSCI期刊, JCR 1区)

[7]     Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Ze Wang, et al. Quantifying the risk of price fluctuations based on weighted Granger causality networks of consumer price indices: evidence from G7 countries[J]. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2020, 15:821-844. DOI: 10.1007/s11403-019-00273-2.SSCI期刊, JCR 2区)

[8]     Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Shaobo Wen, et al. Modeling the impulse response complex network for studying the fluctuation transmission of price indices[J], Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2019,14:835-838. DOI: 10.1007/s11403-018-0231-x. SSCI期刊, JCR 2区)

[9]     Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Shaobo Wen, et al. The transmission of fluctuation among price indices based on Granger causality network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 506(2018):36-49. (SCI/SSCI双检索, JCR Q2)

[10]  Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Weiqiong Zhong, et al. The stability of the international oil trade network from short-term and long-term perspectives. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 482(2017):345-356. (SCI/SSC双检索, JCR Q2)

[11]  Sufang An; Xiangyun Gao; Haizhong An; Feng An; Qingru Sun; Siyao Liu. Windowed volatility spillover effects among crude oil prices. Energy, DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.117521. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1排名前5%)

[12]  Huiling Zheng; Xiangyun Gao; Qingru Sun; Xiaodan Han; Ze Wang. The impact of regional industrial structure differences on carbon emission differences in China: An evolutionary perspective. Journal of Clearner Production, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120506. (SCI, JCR Q1排名7.2%)

[13]  Yiran Xhao; Xiangyun Gao; Haizhong An; Xian Xi; Qingru Sun; Meihui Jiang. The effect of the mined cobalt trade dependence Network's structure on trade price. Resources Policy, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101589. (SSCI, JCR Q1ABS二星级期刊)

[14]  Sufang An; Xiangyun Gao; Siyao Liu; Qingru Sun; Naifei Jia. Dynamic volatility spillovers among bulk mineral commodities: A network method. Resources Policy, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101589. (SSCI, JCR Q1ABS二星级期刊)

[15]  Shuyu Liu; Shupei Huang; Yuxi Chi; Sida Feng; Yang Li; Qingru Sun. Three-level network analysis of the North American natural gas price: A multiscale perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis. DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2019.101420. (SSCI, JCR Q2ABS三星级期刊)

[16]  Xian Xi; Jinsheng Zhou; Xiangyun Gao; Donghui Liu; Huiling Zheng; Qingru Sun. Impact of changes in crude oil trade network patterns on national economy. Energy Economics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104490. (SSCI, JCR Q1排名前7%)

[17]  Siyao Liu; Xiangyun Gao; Wei Fang; Qingru Sun; Sida Feng; Xueyong Liu; Sui Guo. Modeling the Complex Network of Multidimensional Information Time Series to Characterize the Volatility Pattern Evolution. IEEE access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2842069. (SCI, JCR Q1排名前15%)

[18]  Ze Wang; Xiangyun Gao; Haizhong An; Renwu Tang; Qingru Sun. Identifying influential energy stocks based on spillover network. International Review of Financial AnalysisDOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2018.11.004. (SSCI, JCR Q2ABS三星级期刊)

[19]  Ze Wang; Xiangyun Gao; Renwu Tang; Xueyong Liu; Qingru Sun; Zhihua Chen. Identifying influential nodes based on fluctuation conduction network model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 514(2019):355-369. (SCI/SSCI双检索, JCR Q2)

[20]  Yanxin Liu, Huajiao Li, Jianhe Guan, Xueyong Liu, Qing Guan, Qingru Sun. Influence of different factors on prices of upstream, middle and downstream products in China's whole steel industry chain: Based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System. Resources Policy, 60(2019):134-142. (SSCI, JCR Q2)

[21]  Sui Guo, Huajiao Li, Haizhong An, Qingru Sun, Xiaoqing Hao, Yanxin Liu. Steel product prices transmission activities in the midstream industrial chain and global markets. Resources Policy, 60(2019):56-71. (SSCI, JCR Q2)

[22]  Sida Feng, Shupei Huang, Yabin Qi, Xueyong Liu, Qingru Sun, Shaobo Wen. Network features of sector indexes spillover effects in China: A multi-scale view. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 496(2018):461-473. (SCI/SSCI双检索, JCR Q2)

[23]  孙青茹, 黄书培, 王泽. 21世纪海上丝绸之路沿线国家海域资源勘探和油气投资环境评价研究[J]. 资源与产业, 2020,22(01):12-23.

[24]  孙青茹,宋高燕,常红.新文科背景下金融与理财课程教学创新实践探索[J].高教学刊,2024,10(22):72-75.DOI:10.19980/j.CN23-1593/G4.2024.22.017.

[25]  孙青茹,赵文琪,白子朔,.京津冀城市治理能力现代化水平测度及影响因素研究[J].商业经济,2024,(06):50-52+100.DOI:10.19905/j.cnki.syjj1982.2024.06.028.

[26]  孙青茹,马如霞,白子朔.农业科技园区的经济发展带动效应——来自河北省县域的实证评估[J].中国农业资源与区划,2024,45(02):180-190.

[27]  孙青茹,席增雷,丁颖辉,.融合智力因素与非智力因素的高校教学过程性评价探索[J].科教导刊,2023,(10):32-34.DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2023.10.011.

[28]  杨子贤,孙鑫,陈琦若,孙青茹(通讯作者).保定市农业碳排放的空间网络结构——基于社会网络分析法[J].农村经济与科技,2023,34(05):23-28.

[29]  孙青茹,武子怡,马诩涵.我国粮食产业高质量发展评价——基于标准差修正G1方法[J].河北民族师范学院学报,2022,42(04):96-104.DOI:10.16729/j.cnki.jhnun.2022.04.014.

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